Heritage Insurance Brokerage PLLC
Serving the states of:
Our Trusted Partners
Our Trusted Partners
Your Mortgage/Realtor
Derrick Rubin
President/ Mortgage Loan Originator,
NMLS# 176255 Rubin Home Loans
Email Derrick:
Realtor, ReMax Empire
Your Home
Inspection Needs...
Tamil Acker
Home Inspector, Acker Inspections
& All Saints Roofing Company
Email Tamil:
Your Mortgage Needs...
Trina Washington
Loan Originator, NMLS# 354338
UMortgage, NMLS# 1457759
Email Trina: TrinaW@CNNMortgage.com
Your Credit
Restoration Needs...
Shaunnia Oliver and Roshunda Glasper
Credit Repair Experts/Owners, ​
We Care Credit Solutions
Call: 1-866-789-9227
Jessica Carroll
North Texas - Fire and water restoration to disaster cleanup
and mold remediation.
Residential and Commercial Account Manager
Email Jessica:
Tarrasa Taylor
South Louisiana - Fire and water restoration to disaster cleanup
and mold remediation.
Commercial Account Manager
Email Tarrasa: