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Homeowners, Renters/Condo, Mobile Home Insurance

Homeowners Insurance is a type of property insurance that covers a private residence.

Renters' insurance, often called tenants' insurance, is an insurance policy that provides some of the benefits of homeowners' insurance, but does not include coverage for the dwelling, or structure, with the exception of small alterations that a tenant makes to the structure. Condo insurance is a policy that is purchased by the owner of a condo unit. It generally helps pay to repair your unit and your belongings if they are stolen or damaged by certain perils, such as fire or vandalism.

Auto, Truck, Motorcycle, Boat Insurance

Auto insurance is insurance for cars, trucks, motorcycles, and other road vehicles. Its primary use is to provide financial protection against physical damage or bodily injury resulting from traffic collisions and against liability that could also arise from incidents in a vehicle.

Business Auto, Umbrella Insurance, Surety Bonds

Business insurance coverage protects businesses from losses due to events that may occur during the normal course of business. There are many types of insurance for businesses including coverage for property damage, legal liability and employee-related risks. 

Bond insurance, also known as "financial guaranty insurance," is a type of insurance whereby an insurance company guarantees scheduled payments of interest and principal on a bond or other security in the event of a payment default by the issuer of the bond or security. It is a form of "credit enhancement" that generally results in the rating of the insured security being the higher of (a) the claims-paying rating of the insurer or (b) the rating the bond would have without insurance (also known as the “underlying” or “shadow” rating).

Business General/Professional Liability Insurance

Business Insurance is a means of protection from financial loss. It is a form of risk management, primarily used to hedge against the risk of a contingent or uncertain loss. 

Whole Life, Fixed Expense, Term Life Universal Life Insurance

Life insurance is a contract between an insurance policy holder and an insurer or assurer, where the insurer promises to pay a designated beneficiary a sum of money in exchange for a premium, upon the death of an insured person.


Office Address:

1301 East Debbie Lane

Suite 102 - #163

Mansfield, TX 76063


Office Phone Number:


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